Archive for Category: Life

Now showing: Windows Vista
So I bit the bullet and installed the RTM (Released To Manufacturing...the final codebase that will appear on the retail and OEM disks) version of Windows Vista. I was in on the beta test for Vista, so I got a legit version of the RTM release. So far, everything is good except for sound card issues.

Media Box Complete
So I got my media PC put together today. Had to swap out some hardware, but for the most part, everything worked great. There's still a few things to fix up software-wise, but the basics of what I wanted it to do (play videos, music, etc) are working great. There were a few moments when I was severely pissed because all I could get on the TV was a black and white display, but a change of cables remedied that problem.

Of DNS Entries, RSS Feeds, and Things That Go Bump In The Night
So yeah. It looks like everything is now functional again. There were a few hours there where my RSS feed wasn't working, but that should be fine now. The biggest pain in the ass however was figuring out how to change A records on DNS entries on my 1&1 webspace (an A record is what tells your computer that the server for xyz.

And we’re back.
If you're seeing this, then the DNS transfer has been completed, and my blog is now on it's new host. There may be some lingering issues, but so far everything looks good. If you find any problems, drop me a line and let me know.