I’m such a geek… 🙂
Funny Firefox Session
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Short story: “Death Plays A Game”
This was my response to this post on Reddit.
"A game, really?"
"Yes. Any game. You win, you go back...you lose...well..."
How does one respond to that? Better yet, how does one respond to Death? Not death, as in the end of life. Death as in the (un)living embodiment of the hereafter.
CMS-like Admin Menu Plugin – Version 2.1 Released.
Another plugin update...this time for my plugin for rearranging the admin menu to bring the Pages menu to the top. With version 2.0, on WP 2.8, you got a doubled Category link, and it didn't support custom taxonomies. As of version 2.1, it now does.
It was an easy fix, I just needed the time to get it done.
CTC – Version 5.2 Released
This is a quickie update to address a couple of issues. First off, you should once again be able to use the admin plugin update feature to get new versions, as I have now moved the plugin files out of the folder I had them in.
Secondly, as of version 5.2, all PHP short tags have been eliminated from the plugin.