Archive for Category: Cool Stuff

Short story: “Death Plays A Game”
This was my response to this post on Reddit.
"A game, really?"
"Yes. Any game. You win, you go lose...well..."
How does one respond to that? Better yet, how does one respond to Death? Not death, as in the end of life. Death as in the (un)living embodiment of the hereafter.

New WordPress Theme — News Portal
I finally found a few minutes to put the finishing touches on an open-source theme conversion I've been working on for a while. I have posted the theme for download here. Take a look, and let me know what you think.

WordCast Mugshot Contest Swag – Part 1
(Note: edited at 7:32pm to clean up my inadvertent foul language...who decided the "I" key should be next to the "O" key!? :) )
Today I received the first part of the goodies I won by entering the WordCast Mugshot contest. I got a Lijit t-shirt and 3 stickers. Now I'm just waiting on a Wordpress t-shirt and coffee mug, and a book.

Quick PopcornHour Firmware Tip
When upgrading the firmware on your PopcornHour A-100 Network Media Tank, you might end up with a hung machine before any operations take place. You'll know this has happened because your TV screen will go black as soon as you start the process. If this happens to you, there's a simple solution.

Ghost Rider — Simpsons-ized
Ghost Rider has long been one of my favorite comic books, so imagine my surprise and joy to see this in my feed reader this morning...
The artist is doing a month of Marvel characters done in the style of The Simpsons. I'm glad he's doing some of the more obscure Marvel characters.

Linux, SwissCenter, and the PopcornHour A-100
So I've been using the awesome SwissCenter media streaming server with my PopcornHour A-100 for a while now. Over the weekend, Windows XP decided it didn't want to run on my file server any longer (yeah, I know... :) ). In it's place I installed Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron". After migrating my SwissCenter settings over to the new Linux install, everything worked, except SwissCenter no longer showed up on the Sources page on the A-100.

Dynamic Page Graphics in WordPress
Recently, while developing a Wordpress theme for a client, I devised a handy trick to use different headline graphics for pages (it should work for posts too) based on the page title. The basis of the trick is to name your headline graphics the same as the pages they are to show up on (ex.

CTC Updated, Version 4.5 Released!
Just a quick note to let everyone know that I have bumped everyone's favorite tag cloud plugin for Wordpress 2.3+ to version 4.5. What's new? The biggest change is the addition of an Options page for configuring the plugin when used as a template tag. As always, you can see the full changelog, get the new version, and leave comments from the CTC page.

TextMate WordPress Development Bundle
Just a quick note to release my newest Wordpress-related download, a bundle for the excellent OS X text editor TextMate for doing Wordpress development. The bundle includes template for common WP theme files, updated snippets for newer versions of WP, and various other time-savers. Head over to the Bundle page to check it out and download it.