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Archive for Tag: tags

CTC — Automatic Upgrade Issues…

There is an issue when you use the automatic update feature. It creates an erroneous folder that contains the actual plugin folder. For the time being, please refrain from using the automatic upgrade. If you have already upgraded via the automatic method and the plugin disappeared from your plugins list, just ftp to your WP install, go into the plugin directory, and move the 'tag_cloud' directory from the 'configurable-tag-cloud-widget' directory to the main plugins directory.

CTC Updated, Version 4.5 Released!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I have bumped everyone's favorite tag cloud plugin for Wordpress 2.3+ to version 4.5. What's new? The biggest change is the addition of an Options page for configuring the plugin when used as a template tag. As always, you can see the full changelog, get the new version, and leave comments from the CTC page.

CTC – Version 4.1 Released

Just a quick release to add a feature and fix one. The new feature is the ability to randomly sort the tag cloud. This option will show a completely different order of the tags to each visitor to your site. Not really earth-shattering, but it was asked for, so there it is.

CTC – Version 4.0 Released

Hot on the heels of version 3.1 (and the very minor 3.2) comes the all new version 4.0 of my configurable tag cloud widget for Wordpress 2.3+. What makes it new, you ask? Well, how about the ability to include your Wordpress categories in your tag cloud? It's a feature that people have been (erroneously) assuming CTC supports for a while, but I never could get it to work.

CTC – Version 3.1 Released

Just a quick note to let everyone know I have released version 3.1 of my Configurable Tag Cloud plugin. This isn't a major update, it just adds the ability to output the links for the cloud to an array for further processing. I have included a simple example over on the CTC as well as the new version for download.

CTC – 1,000 Downloads and Counting!

Many thanks to the Wordpress community for pushing my humble little widget/plugin past the 1,000 downloads mark since I added it to the official Wordpress plugins browser. As of this morning, it has been downloaded 1,002 times since November 28th. YOU GUYS ROCK! :)

CTC – Version 3.0 Released!

I'm proud to announce the third major revision of my configurable tag cloud widget has been released this afternoon. The biggest change (and one of the most requested) is the ability to use the plugin without using widgets. It's been a long time coming, and now it's here. the other big addition is the ability to show the number of posts for a tag after the tag itself (similar to the archive and categories options).

CTC Update

Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up on the status of CTC. I'm still working on it when I can, but I gotta pay the bills. I'm hoping for a 3.0 release just after the first of the year. The big new feature in 3.0 is going to be (hopefully) implementing the tag cloud as a normal Wordpress plugin, so it can be used by those who don't use widgets.

CTC – Bugfix Version 2.51 Released

I posted a quickie update this morning to address the tag count function not working correctly. Turns out in doing some code cleanup, I inadvertently left one of the variable names that holds the count using the old name. It has been fixed, and you should get what you're looking for.

As always, you can find the most recent version (and comments) on the CTC page.