New WordPress Theme — News Portal

I finally found a few minutes to put the finishing touches on an open-source theme conversion I’ve been working on for a while. I have posted the theme for download here. Take a look, and let me know what you think.

WordCast Mugshot Contest Swag – Part 1

(Note: edited at 7:32pm to clean up my inadvertent foul language…who decided the “I” key should be next to the “O” key!? 🙂 )

Today I received the first part of the goodies I won by entering the WordCast Mugshot contest. I got a Lijit t-shirt and 3 stickers. Now I’m just waiting on a WordPress t-shirt and coffee mug, and a book.

WordPress Plugins Upgrade Tip

Got a WordPress-powered blog that’s been around a while (since 2.1 or thereabouts)? Is your Admin panel telling you that you have plugins that need to be updated, but when you try, you end up downloading the WordPress Widgets plugin? Fear not, there is a (possibly) easy solution. Check your plugins folder for a “widgets” folder.

I was updating the plugins on my development server this morning when I ran into this issue. The fix was simple; I just moved everything in the widgets folder up to the plugins folder, and like magic, the upgrade notifications went away. So if you’re having this issue, give this tip a shot.

Dynamic Page Graphics in WordPress

Recently, while developing a WordPress theme for a client, I devised a handy trick to use different headline graphics for pages (it should work for posts too) based on the page title. The basis of the trick is to name your headline graphics the same as the pages they are to show up on (ex. about.png for the About page). Once you do this, you simply need to insert the following bits of code into your theme’s page template:

Part 1: Add this to the beginning of your template (just after the line that starts with “<?php get_header(); ?>”):

NOTE: Modified this to actually, you know, WORK! 🙂
If you tried it before, and it didn’t do what you expected, change the code at the top of your template to this new version.

	global $post;
	$title = $post->post_name;
	$title = strtolower($title);
	$titlepic = $title.".png";

For those who don’t read PHP, what this block does is gets the title of the current page, stores it in a variable, converts it to lowercase, and then adds “.png” (changes this if you use gifs or jpgs) to the page title to create the image’s file name.

Part 2: Add this where you want the graphic to appear:

<img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/<?php echo $titlepic ?>" alt="<?php $title ?>" />

This is a standard XHTML image tag. Change the directory to suit your needs, but leave the “<?php echo $titlepic ?>” bit as this is what does the magic. The alt parameter could likewise be changed, but it does need to be there for the XHTML to validate.

So there you have it. A painless method to get dynamic graphics for your blog, based on your page titles.

CTC Updated, Version 4.5 Released!

Just a quick note to let everyone know that I have bumped everyone’s favorite tag cloud plugin for WordPress 2.3+ to version 4.5. What’s new? The biggest change is the addition of an Options page for configuring the plugin when used as a template tag. As always, you can see the full changelog, get the new version, and leave comments from the CTC page.

TextMate WordPress Development Bundle

Just a quick note to release my newest WordPress-related download, a bundle for the excellent OS X text editor TextMate for doing WordPress development. The bundle includes template for common WP theme files, updated snippets for newer versions of WP, and various other time-savers. Head over to the Bundle page to check it out and download it.

Reciprocity WordPress Theme

After switching my hosting and theme earlier this month, I decided to update and release my original blog theme to the general public. Head on over to the Reciprocity WordPress Theme page to take a peek and download the theme.…

After switching my hosting and theme earlier this month, I decided to update and release my original blog theme to the general public. Head on over to the Reciprocity WordPress Theme page to take a peek and download the theme.

CTC – Version 4.1 Released

Just a quick release to add a feature and fix one. The new feature is the ability to randomly sort the tag cloud. This option will show a completely different order of the tags to each visitor to your site. Not really earth-shattering, but it was asked for, so there it is.

The fix is in relation to the use of categories in the cloud. Due to laziness on my part, I released version 4.0 before thoroughly testing this aspect of the plugin. The problem was, your category links were being treated as tags, and therefore not getting a valid link created for them. This has now been fixed.

As always, you can find the download and comment on the plugin on the CTC page.

CTC – Version 4.0 Released

Hot on the heels of version 3.1 (and the very minor 3.2) comes the all new version 4.0 of my configurable tag cloud widget for WordPress 2.3+. What makes it new, you ask? Well, how about the ability to include your WordPress categories in your tag cloud? It’s a feature that people have been (erroneously) assuming CTC supports for a while, but I never could get it to work…well, now I have. It’s as simple as adding another parameter to your template tag, or clicking a radio button in the widget admin. Give it a try, I’m sure you’ll like it!

Also new in this release is some tweaks to the color functions. Prior to this version, if you wanted your tag cloud links to use the same color as the rest of the links in your site or sidebar, you had to manually enter the color definition in both the min and max color fields or parameters. No more. Now, if you leave both colors blank, your tags will be the same color as the rest of your links. If you only use one of the two fields, your tag links will all be that color.

As always, you can find more info and the download (and leave your comments) on the CTC page.