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Archive for Author: Keith Solomon

Feed Craziness

To those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed, please excuse this morning's craziness. I finally got around to upgrading to Wordpress 2.1.1 this morning, and it looks like it thought some of my old posts were new again.

Posted in: Life
Site Updates

So you may have noticed that there are a few changes on the site. I have finally gotten around to (and had the time to spare in between freelance gigs) implementing a few changes that I have had on my list for a while.

My favorite change is the addition of Live Search for the site.

Posted in: Design, Life
Flash for websites?

Back in the bad old days of the web (Bubble 1.0 for those of you who remember it), Flash was everywhere. You couldn't develop a website if it didn't use Flash. Was it a good thing? Probably. It broke the web out of it's static, photos and text only infancy. I honestly believe the web wouldn't be the medium it is now if it wasn't for those early Flash days.

Posted in: CSS, Design

I finally managed to catch this on camera. I've seen this happening a lot this winter, but it's usually while we're in the car and don't have the camera handy (anybody wanna chip in to buy me a decent small point & shoot cam for my birthday? :) ). This morning when I walked outside and saw this, I just had to duck back in the house and grab the camera.

Posted in: Life, Photoblog
Last sunset of 2006

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I just had to pimp this amazing shot of the last sunset of 2006 by my buddy Jason.

Posted in: Life
Recipes for the Holidays: Eggnog Popovers

I LOVE Christmas.  It's the one time of the year when you can find eggnog everywhere.  I've never cooked without eggnog, until this morning.  I found this recipe on Slashfood, and just HAD to try it.  They turned out really good.  Even my fiancee's daughter liked them, and she hates eggs.  The taste reminded me of French toast somewhat, but the eggnog flavor was definitely there.

Live Writer

 I haven't mentioned it yet, but I have been using Windows Live Writer for a while now to do my blog posts, and I must say, I am VERY impressed.  Even better, I now have an extension for Firefox (Live Writerfox) that lets me post directly from my web browser using Live Writer.

Posted in: Design, Life
Only In Mississippi: Man Arrested for Throwing Pig

Come on people...this is the 21st Century. I can understand these kinds of shenanigans happening earlier in our state history, but now we have things like satellite TV and the Internet to keep us occupied (even if it is for porn). The saddest part opf the whole deal is that he can't even blame this stupid behavior on alcohol.

Posted in: Life
Holiday Recipes: Two For One!

So I whipped up a couple of recipes for a get-together we had to welcome my fiancee's nephew back into town over the weekend.  They were both well-received, but given that I had only a short amount of time to prepare these two recipes, there are no pictures of the cooking process this time (sorry guys).