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Archive for Category: Cool Stuff

CTC – Version 4.1 Released

Just a quick release to add a feature and fix one. The new feature is the ability to randomly sort the tag cloud. This option will show a completely different order of the tags to each visitor to your site. Not really earth-shattering, but it was asked for, so there it is.

CTC – Version 4.0 Released

Hot on the heels of version 3.1 (and the very minor 3.2) comes the all new version 4.0 of my configurable tag cloud widget for Wordpress 2.3+. What makes it new, you ask? Well, how about the ability to include your Wordpress categories in your tag cloud? It's a feature that people have been (erroneously) assuming CTC supports for a while, but I never could get it to work.

Off-site Backups and Amazon S3

After losing two hard drives in rapid succession, I figured it was time to start giving some serious thought to my backup plan. I have been rsyncing my documents, pictures, and active projects folders to my local Debian server for a while now so neither drive loss was that critical, but it drove home the fact that while I like to think my systems are bulletproof, there's no such thing.

Posted in: Cool Stuff, Internet, Life
CTC – Version 3.1 Released

Just a quick note to let everyone know I have released version 3.1 of my Configurable Tag Cloud plugin. This isn't a major update, it just adds the ability to output the links for the cloud to an array for further processing. I have included a simple example over on the CTC as well as the new version for download.

New WordPress plugin: Post Links Redux

I'm working on a theme for a well-known webcomic (sorry, can't say which yet), and needed the post navigation template tags in Wordpress to behave differently. No one could point to an easy way to get them to work the way I needed them to, so I whipped up a quick plugin that changes the way these tags work.

CTC – 1,000 Downloads and Counting!

Many thanks to the Wordpress community for pushing my humble little widget/plugin past the 1,000 downloads mark since I added it to the official Wordpress plugins browser. As of this morning, it has been downloaded 1,002 times since November 28th. YOU GUYS ROCK! :)

Black and White Shrub

I've been on a black and white photography kick lately. I don't know what triggered it, but I can't get enough of well-done monochrome photos. I did this one tonight based on a photo I took of a Lilac shrub in my front yard.

I did quite a bit of manipulation in Photoshop to the original shot to get this output, but I think the results are worth it.

Design Vitality WordPress Theme Competition

So I decided to enter Design Vitality's WP theme competition. Even if I don't win any of the prizes (and they're some doozies...first prize is $1,000 and second is your choice of an iPhone or a Wii), it still gets my name a little farther out into the world.

The winners are chosen by votes at the contest website, which is linked below, so give me some vote love if you like my entry.

Early Morning Sky

Every so often, you just have to pick up the camera to take a picture of something. This morning, it was the sky directly outside my front door. I'll let the picture speak for itself..