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Archive for Category: Cool Stuff

Anyone want a piece of cryptographic history?

Wow...of all the times to be caught not being independently wealthy! :)

1938 German Enigma Machine

For those who don't know, the Enigma machine was a cipher machine used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.

What would you do with something like this?

Posted in: Cool Stuff, Internet
Interesting New Advertising Platform

So a while back I signed up for this new web community. It's called MyMindshare (note, that link is my affiliate link, so if you click it and sign up, it helps me out). Te general premise is that people post ads for goods and services they think are cool (but there are others that are targeted based on your profile and survey answers, more on that in a minute).

Posted in: Cool Stuff, Internet
Simply Amazing…

These guys build some incredible guitars. This small pic doesn't do it justice, so give it a click and see it up close.

Posted in: Cool Stuff, Music