Archive for Category: Humor
Short story: “Death Plays A Game”
This was my response to this post on Reddit.
"A game, really?"
"Yes. Any game. You win, you go lose...well..."
How does one respond to that? Better yet, how does one respond to Death? Not death, as in the end of life. Death as in the (un)living embodiment of the hereafter.
I swore I wouldn’t do this…
But I just couldn't help contribution to the lolcats meme... :)
This is Smudge...he likes to think he owns the water dish... :)
You can view the full-size version here.
Quote of the day
Found this while reading "100 Bullshit Jobs...And How to Get Them": The trouble with the Internet is that it's replacing masturbation as a leisure activity - Patrick Murray Ain't it the truth! :)
Funny Tattoo
Ahh, the things you find when idly surfing the net. For those not hip to the HTML language, those two lines are the closing tag of the head segment (where stuff like the title of the page is set) and the opening tag of the body segment (the content of the page).