Archive for Category: Internet

New WordPress Plugin: CMS-Like Admin Menu
Want to run a simple website using Wordpress Pages as a CMS, but don't want (or need) the Post functionality? Want to do the same thing, but have Posts secondary to pages? This is the plugin for you. This plugin rewrites the Admin menu links for Write and Manage to default to using Pages instead of posts, while leaving the ability to deal with posts intact.

CTC – 1,000 Downloads and Counting!
Many thanks to the Wordpress community for pushing my humble little widget/plugin past the 1,000 downloads mark since I added it to the official Wordpress plugins browser. As of this morning, it has been downloaded 1,002 times since November 28th. YOU GUYS ROCK! :)

CTC – Version 3.0 Released!
I'm proud to announce the third major revision of my configurable tag cloud widget has been released this afternoon. The biggest change (and one of the most requested) is the ability to use the plugin without using widgets. It's been a long time coming, and now it's here. the other big addition is the ability to show the number of posts for a tag after the tag itself (similar to the archive and categories options).

CTC Update
Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up on the status of CTC. I'm still working on it when I can, but I gotta pay the bills. I'm hoping for a 3.0 release just after the first of the year. The big new feature in 3.0 is going to be (hopefully) implementing the tag cloud as a normal Wordpress plugin, so it can be used by those who don't use widgets.

Design Vitality WordPress Theme Competition
So I decided to enter Design Vitality's WP theme competition. Even if I don't win any of the prizes (and they're some doozies...first prize is $1,000 and second is your choice of an iPhone or a Wii), it still gets my name a little farther out into the world.
The winners are chosen by votes at the contest website, which is linked below, so give me some vote love if you like my entry.

CTC – Bugfix Version 2.51 Released
I posted a quickie update this morning to address the tag count function not working correctly. Turns out in doing some code cleanup, I inadvertently left one of the variable names that holds the count using the old name. It has been fixed, and you should get what you're looking for.
As always, you can find the most recent version (and comments) on the CTC page.

CTC Widget – Version 2.5
Just a quickie update to fix a bug, and add a simple new feature.
Adding what has been the most-requested ability since color, there is now a div wrapped around the cloud so you can style it via CSS (with some exceptions, check the page for info). The bug was the result of me learning php as I go.

WP 2.3 Configurable Tag Cloud Widget – Version 2 Released!
After a few days of hacking, I'm proud to present version 2.0 of my configurable tag cloud widget for Wordpress 2.3. The big news in this release is you can now specify colors to form a gradient for your tag links.
Screenshot from my testing blog showing a gradient from #c0c0c0 to #000000:
The other big change is I have gone from using the Wordpress-native tag cloud generation code to using functions internal to the widget.

WordPress 2.3 Tag Cloud Widget
I've been testing the new version of Wordpress since the first beta (that's part of the reason the new site design hasn't gone live yet). It's pretty sweet, but in testing, I found the tag cloud widget that comes with WP 2.3 lacking in configuration options (as in, there are none). So I set about to fix that.