Black and White Shrub
I've been on a black and white photography kick lately. I don't know what triggered it, but I can't get enough of well-done monochrome photos. I did this one tonight based on a photo I took of a Lilac shrub in my front yard.
I did quite a bit of manipulation in Photoshop to the original shot to get this output, but I think the results are worth it.

My New Favorite Podcast
Been listening to this show this morning...gotta love mixing news and comedy! :) Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me

Early Morning Sky
Every so often, you just have to pick up the camera to take a picture of something. This morning, it was the sky directly outside my front door. I'll let the picture speak for itself..

Wedding Pictures Are Online!
94 of them to be precise... :)
They are all in the Wedding Pics set, so it'll be easy to browse just the wedding photos.
EDIT: (09.10.07) - Added another 100+ pictures, made individual albums for each person who gave us pictures, and added each individual set to the Wedding Photos collection.

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Solomon! :) I'll write more later, but I wanted to get a picture up so people could see it... :)

Anyone want a piece of cryptographic history?
Wow...of all the times to be caught not being independently wealthy! :)
1938 German Enigma Machine
For those who don't know, the Enigma machine was a cipher machine used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages by Nazi Germany before and during World War II.
What would you do with something like this?

Weight loss check-in
So it's been a while since I posted anything about my goal to drop 30 pounds before my wedding. Well, at this point, it doesn't look like it's going to happen. It seems I've hit a plateau at 263 pounds (I've been here for the better part of a month at this point).

I swore I wouldn’t do this…
But I just couldn't help myself...my contribution to the lolcats meme... :)
This is Smudge...he likes to think he owns the water dish... :)
You can view the full-size version here.

Interesting New Advertising Platform
So a while back I signed up for this new web community. It's called MyMindshare (note, that link is my affiliate link, so if you click it and sign up, it helps me out). Te general premise is that people post ads for goods and services they think are cool (but there are others that are targeted based on your profile and survey answers, more on that in a minute).