Simply Amazing…
These guys build some incredible guitars. This small pic doesn't do it justice, so give it a click and see it up close.

As of today…
Akismet has caught 5,072 spam comments since I first installed it.
And in that entire time, I've only had to moderate 5 messages (which all turned out to be spam... :) )
So yeah, I'm pretty pleased.

Quote of the day
Found this while reading "100 Bullshit Jobs...And How to Get Them": The trouble with the Internet is that it's replacing masturbation as a leisure activity - Patrick Murray Ain't it the truth! :)

Funny Tattoo
Ahh, the things you find when idly surfing the net. For those not hip to the HTML language, those two lines are the closing tag of the head segment (where stuff like the title of the page is set) and the opening tag of the body segment (the content of the page).

Father & Son
Once again, I am totally blown away by Jason's camera work.
Father & Son, originally uploaded by jaseo.

Feed Craziness
To those of you who subscribe to my RSS feed, please excuse this morning's craziness. I finally got around to upgrading to Wordpress 2.1.1 this morning, and it looks like it thought some of my old posts were new again.

Site Updates
So you may have noticed that there are a few changes on the site. I have finally gotten around to (and had the time to spare in between freelance gigs) implementing a few changes that I have had on my list for a while.
My favorite change is the addition of Live Search for the site.

Flash for websites?
Back in the bad old days of the web (Bubble 1.0 for those of you who remember it), Flash was everywhere. You couldn't develop a website if it didn't use Flash. Was it a good thing? Probably. It broke the web out of it's static, photos and text only infancy. I honestly believe the web wouldn't be the medium it is now if it wasn't for those early Flash days.

I finally managed to catch this on camera. I've seen this happening a lot this winter, but it's usually while we're in the car and don't have the camera handy (anybody wanna chip in to buy me a decent small point & shoot cam for my birthday? :) ). This morning when I walked outside and saw this, I just had to duck back in the house and grab the camera.